Starting at Sibelius Academy - 31.08.2020My studies have started at Sibelius Academy. The Music Technology course has fantastic facilities and I can't wait to start using them. I am studying programming with Max, SuperCollider, Media and Sonic Arts, Film and Game Music and Finnish Language as well as individual tuition in Composition and Performance with Electronic Instruments.
Trip to Tallinn - 05.09.2020We took the ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn, Estonia for the day to explore the beautiful old town. Seeing the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was a personal highlight of the day. The day finished slightly off plan when we missed the ferry back to Helsinki but we just played some music in the port whilst deciding whether to stay the night in Tallinn or wait a few hours for the next ferry.
Sibelius Monument and the Sompasauna - 13.09.2020Helena and I visited the Sibelius Monument which is dedicated to composer Jean Sibelius and consists of over 600 steel tubes. It is located by the beautiful harbour which we spent some time at before we joined some friends at the Sompasauna in the evening. The Sompasauna is a big part of Finnish culture and consists of multiple saunas right by the sea front where you go from sitting in the sauna to jumping in the (freezing cold) sea repeatedly. There was also live music there which of course we joined in with.
Live Music! - 18/19.09.2020It has been so fantastic to watch live music after such a long time in lockdown. I have seen a couple of jazz gigs at Tenho, Middle Eastern Orchestra and the opening ceremony concerts of Sibelius Academy. A highlight so far has to be seeing the Radio Symphony Orchestra perform Shumann Piano Concerto and John Adams.
Visit to Seurasaari - 19.09.2020Vija and I went to Seurassari, an island just by our student accommodation for the afternoon. This island is home to many red squirrels and there are even little tree houses for the squirrels. It is also an open air museum of old wooden houses transplanted from other areas of Finland.
Day in Tampere - 03.10.2020Maria and I spent the day in Tampere. We visited the Näsinneula Observation Tower which is the tallest observation tower in the Nordic Countries at 168m tall. The very cool lift up to the top of the tower took us to the most amazing view over lake Näsijärvi. We then saw a violin and piano recital before heading up to Moro at the top of Hotel Torni Tampere.
Modular Synthesizer Experimentation
Autumn Break in Malax - 9-13.10.2020For the Autumn Break we went to Svante's cabin on an island near Malax. We had a fantastic time exploring the island and also sailing to Skitin, another island which is a common island for the people who live on the surround island. Of course we did some Finnish activities too such as mushroom picking, Mölkky, Sauna and then swimming in the (freezing cold) sea.
Autumn Break in Rovaniemi, Lapland - 14-17.10.2020For the second half of Autumn Break, Emily, Helena, Fran and I took a 12 hour train to Rovaniemi to stay there for a few days. Needless to say, we took a visit to Santa Claus Village where we met Sana'a Claus and fed and stroked reindeer and huskies. We explored Rovaniemi and went on a hike up to a viewing point over Rovaniemi where we also saw wild reindeer before catching the sleeper train back to Helsinki.
Game Music and Dome InstallationRecently I have been working on a game created by Laajasalon University, writing the music for a Clash Royal inspired game. We have been doing a lot of work in implementing music into the game using Unity and also creating chiptune music. As well as this, I have also been working on an installation as part of my Media and Sonic Arts course. We are creating an installation for a dome shaped structure containing a 16.2 channel ambeo-sonic speaker system.
Halloween and Bonfire Night - 31.10.20-07.11.20We celebrated Halloween and Bonfire Night in Clavis!
Most of my friends living in Clavis are exchange students also so we made a big dinner were we each cooked a dish from our countries and had a big feast! (I of course made Toad in the Hole!) We also took a trip to Regatta, a beautiful cafe by the sea. |
Experimentations with the Modular Synthesiser and preparing for my live set.Spending a lot of time this semester learning about performing on the modular synthesiser, I have been preparing my 30 minute set to perform at the MuTe Festival 2020 on 27th November. Whilst devising both the patches which I will use on the modular and also how I want to use speech samples using the Beat Step Pro controller I have really enjoyed learning about this instruments and the contact of them in my musical style.
21st Birthday Celebrations - 16.11.20-22.11.20I had a lovely week of celebrating my 21st Birthday with my lovely friends here in Helsinki! We had a meal at Hard Rock Cafe, Giovanni cooked us Pumpkin Risotto, we had a party and also went to a cabin for the weekend! Despite not being with my family and friends back at home I managed to celebrate with them also on a surprise zoom call which Katie organised me. Siobhan and my friends in Cardiff also made me a mixtape of songs which I loved! It also even snowed on the night of my birthday which made the trip to the cabin even more exciting.
Sibelius Academy's MuTe Festival 2020 - 23-27.11.20Sibelius Academy hold an annual festival celebrating the creation of music with technology which is a series of concerts over a week. Due to the corona situation, the festival couldn't run as it would normally with a limited audience at concerts but despite this, the very high standard of the binaural livestream meant that the performances were still accessible to a large audience.
The concerts of the week were, "Speakers Gonna Sing" a concert of electroacoustic works with a surround sound system set up, "Defunensemble", "Synthestra" an orchestra of synthesisers, "Out Of The Box" and "Electrons On The Beat: Re-plugged". There were also installations and sonic walks. |
Performing at the MuTe Festival 2020 - 27.11.20One of the highlights of this semester has to be performing a 30 minute live set on the Modular Synthesiser and Beat Step Pro Controller at the MuTe Festival (27th November 2020).
Originally planned to be performed in a night club, the concert was redesigned due to the COVID-19 restrictions and was livestreamed from the Studio Thomas in Sibelius Academy. It was fantastic to be able to perform this set and I thoroughly enjoyed composing and performing my work 'Increase'. It was incredible to perform alongside the other two sets of truly inspiring music. It meant so much to have my family and friends back at home watching the livestream and to also have fellow Sibelius student friends watching and dancing along from the other studios. |
'INCREASE' - starting at 31 minutes in the video above. A set of original experimental dance music performed live using analogue modular synthesizer and launchpads. The performance is based on the concept of ‘increase’, starting in one sound world and ending in a completely new world. This References how we spend a life time striving for increase only to find we are trapped climbing levels where we are so concerned about doing something better, Worse, more or less than we have previously experienced that we use this to validate our happiness.
Celebrating Finnish Independence Day and visits to Kiasma, Seurasaari, Lake Bodom and Suomenlinna - 29.11.20-13.12.2029th November - Maria, Giovanni and I visited the Kiasmas museum of modern art where I saw the Vainio exhibition again but also Mad Love, Emma Jääskeläinen and Doug Aitken exhibitions.
9th-10th December - Emily, Fran and I went hunting for the Northern Lights (and failed) in Espoo by Lake Bodom and Suomenlinna. The 6th December marks the Finnish Independence day however this year, due to COVID the celebrations couldn't go ahead. Instead Helena, Fran, Emily and I took a walk around Helsinki and visited the White Cathedral. |
Finnish Christmas in a Cabin in Leppävirta - 23-27.12.2020.I spent Christmas in Finland, staying in a very nice cabin in Leppävirta with some friends who are also exchange students. We had lots of snow so we explored the winter wonderland and even walked a little on the frozen lake. We also had a sauna and outdoor hot tub! We had traditional Finnish Christmas dinner but at 4am (due to some miscalculation of the ham!) and also visited the Moomin Ice Cave.
Celebrating New Years, Cross-country Skiing, Ice Skating and Sauna.We celebrated New Years Eve by seeing in the Finnish, Spanish and English New Year together in our student halls.
8th January - I went Cross country skiing for the first time with Ingrid. Needless to say I was terrible at it but it was good fun! 14th January - We experienced -22 degrees in Helsinki - cold enough that my hand stuck to the door handle - ouch! 17th January - We went ice skating and tobogganing down the snowy steps in front of Helsinki's White Cathedral before going to Allas sauna, ice pool and heated pool! |
Visit to East Helsinki, Dome Installation and Studio Training.As part of the Media and Sonic Arts course which I am taking here at Sibelius Academy, we are creating an installation in a 16 speaker dome structure. The installation is being exhibited in STOA, a place in East Helsinki. My installation is about the transport in Helsinki and I am using a microphones (including Electromagnetic and Hydrophones) to capture this.
We visited the area of East Helsinki - taking close interest in an old shopping mall called Puhos to fully understand the region in which our installations are going to be displayed. This week I have also undertaken studio training for a bigger studio at Sibelius Academy called the Errki Studio - which has a lot of synthesizers!! |
Celebrating Vija's 20th Birthday in Porvoo - 7.02.2021.To celebrate Vija's last night of being a teenager we took a snowy walk in the woods and lit some sparklers.
For her birthday we then took a trip to Porvoo, a beautiful small village one hour north of Helsinki where we visited the Church, explored the forest, walked on the frozen lake and tobogganed down the snowy hill. |
Helsinki's Musica Nova Festival - 2-11.02.2021.From 2nd to the 11th of February, Helsinki hosted the Musica Nova Festival, a celebration of new music with events all around the city.
With multiple concerts everyday, we watched a range of live streams in the studios including new music from Anna Meredith, Black Box Music and Iannis Xenakis. I also had the great experience of being one of three audience members in a concert of Iannis Xenakis' work 'La légende d’Eer' performed by Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski, Alejandro Montes de Oca, Alejandro Olarte. |
Performing in Äänen Lumo's Sonic Art Month Festival - 13.02.2021.I had so much fun performing a shorter and more experimental version of my 'INCREASE' set for Modular Synthesiser, Laptop and Controller in Äänen Lumo's Sonic Art Month Festival. This was a live-streamed concert with five new electronic music performances including one by my professor Alejandro Orlate.
Trip to Lapland for the Ski Break - 22-27.02.2021.For the ski break Maria, Vija, Giovanni, Kuba and I drove to Lapland and stayed in a cabin in Yllas for a week. It took us 19 hours to drive on the way and 13 hours on the way back. Whilst there we went snow shoe walking, to Rovaniemi to see Santa Claus, a snow village and skiing at the biggest ski place in Finland, (I had my first skiing lesson!). We were also very fortunate to see the Northern Lights which was an amazing experience!
Maria created a vlog of our trip, you can watch it here! |
Recording and Sound Production, SuperCollider and mine and Maria's Electroacoustic Piece.Recording and Sound Production - A course which I am taking involving recording and producing music. Recently we have been working on recording cello and piano so myself and Sara would play and Filippo would record. We have tried the same take using many different microphones and microphone set up and positioning which have been really interesting.
SuperCollider - In this course I am developing a new piece of hardware which uses SuperCollider code. I want to create a new instrument that I can use to perform live with in my performances with electronic instruments. New Electroacoustic Piece with Maria - Maria and I are currently writing a piece for piano and live electronics which reflects on multiple elements of our time in Finland and the beautiful nature which we are surrounded by. |
Dome Installation and Corporal Gesturality.Working on my installation for the 16 speaker surround dome structure I have been using an electromagnetic microphone and an ambeo microphone to record the trams in Helsinki. In this installation I want to explore the movement around the city and also how not everything is as we first see. I want to sonically represent the idea that often below the surface there is another world of sounds going on.
I have also been researching Leon van Noorden's work for my Exploratorium on Sonic and Corporeal Gestuality classes. I am very interested in the reaction between sound and gestures and why certain genres of music cause different movement reactions. Furthermore, I am exploring how much social influence and pressure has on why people make certain gestures toward music. |
Helsinki Sunsets - 19-26.03.2021.Over the past week there have been some beautiful sunsets in Helsinki.
- 19th March at Regatta we saw the sunset over Saurasaari and walked on the frozen sea before getting a hot chocolate from the cafe to warm up! - 23rd March at Kasinonpuiston Uimapaikka another gorgeous sunset over the beach where we walked along the frozen sea. - 26th March at Laajalahti we aimed to see the sunset but suddenly there was a lot of white fog so we ended up seeing a 'white sunset' where we couldn't see anything on the horizon! |
Hike in Sipoonkorpi National Park and Pablo's Birthday on Saurasaari - 27&28.03.2021.Saimi, Kuba, Malin and I drove to Sipoonkorpi National Park for a hike around one of the trails. We had lovely sunny weather and stopped to grill some sausages on the fire. It was very icy so we took the sledges to slide down the hills with.
To celebrate Pablo's birthday we went to the island Saurasaari and had a BBQ on the grill there and of course had cake with candles! |
Easter celebrations
Rehearsing my Piano Trio & Electronics piece - 09.04.2021 Giovanni's Final Masters Project - 11.04.2021I have been working on a piece for piano trio and electronics about the passing of time. Using the concept of 'Feeling nostalgic about the present, knowing it’s going to end at some point', I have created a live sampler and a manipulation station for each of the three acoustic instruments on Max MSP. I have the pleasure of writing for pianist Maria de Lluc Coll, violinist Carla Alonso Borrego and cellist Valentina Bionda and I was fortunate to workshop my piece with them this week.
Maria and I were lucky enough to be able to watch Giovanni's final masters project. With his passion for jazz piano and improvised contemporary performance he presented a fantastic mixed media performance titled 'Conversations Among Arts' which combined music, dance and fine art. Using the three art forms his work addressed the concept of how false news spreads via social medias. |
Suomenlinna, Katajankolla, Nuuksio National Park, Hietaranta Beach and Pizza night - 16-23.04.2021- 16th March at Suomenlinna watching the sunset over Helsinki and the sea.
- 17th March at Katajankolla drinking kombucha by the harbour with Maria and Giovanni. - 18th March at Nuuksio National Park hiking around the park and having a BBQ on the island with Maria, Vija, Gustav, Aurian, Kuba and Giovanni. - 23rd March pizza night in Clavis! Gustav made us the most delicious pizza with his new pizza oven! |
Supercollider, recording Piano Trio and Electronics and a new version of INCREASE - 21-29.04.2021Whilst being at Sibelius Academy I have been studying SuperCollider, a coding programme that can make music. Studying under Alejandro Olarte I have been building a granular synthesiser instrument and have been prototyping it on a MIDI keyboard.
I spent many hours recording a new version of my INCREASE set in Musiikkitalo's Camerata Hall thanks to the amazing team Filippo, Pablo, Aurian and Kuba who filmed, recorded and helped set up and down. I also recorded the first draft of my piece for Piano Trio and Electronics. With a complicated set up, routing the live sampler input and output I had help from Sarah and Filippo who were the sound engineers whilst I controlled the live electronics. Whilst capturing a great take, there are still alternations I want to make to the score and improvements to the technicality of the live electronics process. We also took a trip to Helsinki's famous bamboo centre restaurant! |
Vappu celebrations, Practice Recital's, Sushi and the Cheery garden - 30.04.2021-02.05.2021.Vappu is an annual celebration starting on the 30th April and ending on the 1st May to mark the beginning of summer. Typical student Vappu celebrations consist of meeting and partying with friends in the parks around Helsinki and wearing the particular Vappu hats and overalls. So in the style of Finnish Vappu we did exactly this, we went to Sinebrychoff Park on the 30th April and Seurasaari Island on 1st May with friends also studying at Sibelius Academy.
I also recently was lucky enough to be in the audience for Maria, Carla and Valentina's Paino Trio rehearsal performance of their end of year recital in Camerata Hall and also Carla's Solo Violin rehearsal performance in R-talo concert hall which were both fantastic concerts! Unfortunately as the end of the year is approaching many friends are starting to leave to return home. Aurian was the first to leave so we spent his last day eating sushi and visiting the Cherry Blossom Park which unfortunately was not in blossom yet. We of course made food and ate together in the evening before waving an emotional goodbye to him on his way to the airport. |
Maria's leaving party, Suomenlinna, Recording and DJ Controller - 05-10.05.2021.With the running theme through this Erasmus being making and eating food we couldn't let Maria leave without doing this one more time so we had a feast with particular highlights being Vija's cake and Pablo's chocolate covered strawberries!
I also had a trip to Suomenlinna with Ingrid, Pablo and Svante where we sat by the sea and watched the sunset before missing and then catching the boat back. I have spent a lot of time in the studio recently, recording Svante on piano and Sanaa on vocals performing 'And So It Goes' and recording Pablo playing piano for Filippo's dome piece. I also have continued working with the pioneer DJ controller after Alejandro Montes de Oca showed me how to connect it to the Erica modular synthesiser. I took some time to experiment with how these two machines can work together. |
Pabz leaving, Kaivopustio and Suerasaari, outside jazz jam and Sompasauna 12-14.05.202112th May - Pablo and Carla's leaving meal where they and Surjari cooked the most delicious Spanish food for all of us.
13th May at Kaivopustio and Suerasaari - Enjoying the beautiful sunny weather at sunset in Kaivopustio where Filippo, Sarah and I had a leaving get together with some of the members from the MuTe department. Kaivopustio park has the most gorgeous view over the harbour especially in golden hour! We then went to Seurasaari Island for Jose's leaving party. 14th May Jazz Jam outside Oodi and Sompasauna - Giovanni and members from the Jazz Department at SibA took advantage for the glorious weather and had an outside jam which the public could enjoy! The light was beautiful on Oodi the Library opposite Musiikkitalo which was a gorgeous environment. We then went to Sompasauna, a public sauna down by the sea which was great fun. |
Valisaari, Kruunuvuori's Abandoned Houses and Roihuvuori Cherry Park - 15-16.05.2021Kuba, Giovanni and I caught the boat from South Helsinki to spend the afternoon exploring Valisaari Island. Further than Suomenlinna this is a beautiful island offers a great escape into nature when following the 'Alexander Trail'. There was a stunning viewpoint of the whole of Helsinki's south coast from a distance.
With the weather being so nice I have been doing a lot cycling around Helsinki which is a great way to really see the city. Vija, Valentina, Oscar, Kuba, Giovanni and I cycled to Kruunuvuori via many small islands. We arrived in perfect time to see the sunset which was gorgeous. We then went to look for the abandoned houses in the forest in the dark. We had a good walk through the woods and saw a couple of abandoned houses which had actually been demolished before getting on the bikes and cycling back to Sompasauna. It would have been rude to not take a quick visit to the sauna and a dip in the sea so we did so before getting food and cycling back to Clavis whilst the sun was rising. Giovanni and I continued exploring Helsinki this week by visiting Roihuvuori Cherry Park now that the cherry blossoms are in blossom. A lot more pink than my previous visit, the park was full of visitors enjoying the sun and the gorgeous flowers. |
Little islands and scooter, photoshoot with Sujari, Botanical Gardens and Swimming Giovanni and Svante - 22-25.05.202122nd May - Seeing the little islands from the view at Kaivopuisto I wanted to explore them so Vija, Kuba, Giovanni and I caught the boat to Valkosaari and Luoto Islands. We walked around and explored the islands, chilled on the beach and played some football. After catching the boat back I finally ticked driving an electric scooter off my Helsinki bucket list and took a ride around the park on one.
24th May - I was lucky enough to have a photoshoot with Sujari Britt a fantastic cello player and photographer. We took many photos around Helsinki and of course took the typical Helsinki photo in front of the White Cathedral. 25th May - Giovanni and I went to the Botanical Gardens and later joined Svante for a swim in Munkkiniemi sea and a bike ride back to Clavis. |
'Below The Surface' - Ambisonic 3D Sound Art Piece for the Dome.I have spoken before about working on my ambisonic work in the 16 speaker dome structure but now I have just finished my work I would like to talk more about the concept behind it and also my compositional process.
'Below The Surface' addresses the idea that one will never see the whole 'picture' of a situation, there is always more going on than we will know. I took the example of travelling on a tram, where there is all of this sound which we cannot hear but through an electromagnetic microphone we can. I took my recordings and cut them up to create the desired rhythms and used manipulation, particularly to accentuate the bass frequencies. Mixing and spatialisation was the most challenging part of this work as I had never worked with ambisonics before. Once making a first draft of this piece and presenting it to my class I actually recomposed, remixed and respatialised the whole piece as I was not happy with the first result. Once experiencing working in the dome I realised that I needed to consider the movement of the sound when composing. Marianne, the head of the MuTe department and my tutor gave me some advise to imagine a story behind my piece where each sound was a character and to boldly show the different character and how they interact. With this advice I highlighted and isolated certain sounds by bringing them forward into the compositional foreground and then also by specifically moving it around the dome. An example of this is where a crackling 'glitch' sound is presented first very quietly in the top centre speaker of the dome, this then duplicates and builds to a very loud volume. Concerning the spatialisation I moved this sound down the 'edges' of the dome as if I had poured liquid on the dome and it was dripping down the surface. I presented this a second time to Marianne and class mates Heli and Johannes and also later to some friends; Sabina, Kuba and Giovanni where I received positive feedback after making these substantial improvements . |
Final adventures around Helsinki - 27&28.05.2021I had a fantastic last couple of days in Helsinki despite it being quite emotional leaving after being here together for so long. Wednesday evening I had a lovely get together in our student accommodation with all my lovely friends. Sujari baked a delicious cake and we celebrated in Clavis basement as usual.
Thursday was my last day so we had our last meal together at Haiku sushi before saying goodbye to Sibelius Academy and handing in my keys and packing the final things into my suitcases and cleaning my apartment. We then went into SibA's R-talo to watch Filippo rehearse his live spatialisation piece for 36 speakers. After we then got on the bikes for a final ride around Helsinki and came across a group of people watching and participating in fire throwing so we stopped and watched for a while. I said goodbye to the HOAS gang and then we cycled back to Clavis where Vija and I finished packing and then chilled whilst I waited for my taxi to take me to the airport. I then caught the flight and had a safe journey back to Heathrow where I surprised my Mom for her birthday. |
Leaving Finland after 266 days!Words cannot describe the year I have had, it has been an extraordinary experience from moving to a new country in a time where travelling seemed impossible to extending my stay and feeling like I could happily stay in Helsinki forever! I moved to Finland to study music technology and composition but the wealth of knowledge and technique which I have learnt is beyond the amount I expected to. The facilities, tuition and innovative projects at Sibelius Academy are phenomenal and will benefit and influence my work moving into the future. In addition to this, the life skills and awareness of a new environment are also things I have developed and improved this year. Learning about many different cultures and languages from the friends and colleagues I have met has opened my eyes to the world around us. Finland as a country is beautiful, and I couldn't recommend visiting, living or doing an Erasmus there more! There is so much to explore and see and the contrast between the short, dark, minus 27 degree winter days to the long, light plus 25 degrees summer days is a very unique occurrence. The living experience is fantastic, I felt so welcomed, safe and looked after as an international student in Helsinki and the whole of Finland.
The lifelong friends and colleagues I have made have been a huge part of the Erasmus Experience, I have learnt so much from every individual and have had so much fun exploring Finland with them and sharing and making music alongside. Particularly in the times of COVID it is so important to have supportive people around you so thank you so much and I will never forget the memories we have made. Looking to the future after returning to the UK to surprise my Mom on her birthday (it was an emotional reunion!) I will return to Cardiff for my final year at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and will continue to develop my music creation incorporating all the new knowledge, skills and experiences I have gained. I really have been lucky to have this Erasmus Experience and meet the people I have especially during the pandemic and I thank everyone to the end of this world who has made it possible and has been a part of it. This has really fuelled me to continue travelling with my music and studies, I hope to return to Finland and visit many other countries to see the friends I have made here. See you all soon, it's only the beginning. x |
2023 © Copyright Natalie Roe